Mr. Darcy’s Christmas Carol by Carolyn Eberhart - 1 star
I really tried to give this novella a good chance. However, it just didn’t pull me in. I found it to be lacking in many places, so unfortunately I did not finish it. However, I know many others enjoyed this novella and found it the best out of the three.
Christmas Present by Amanda Grange - 3 stars
I have never read any of Amanda Grange’s other written works, so I entered into reading this story blind. Even so, Christmas Present was such a lovely read – what a joy! It makes me want to pick up some other works of hers to see how this novella ties into her other published works.
A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan - 4 stars
As we all know, I am quite a big Sharon Lathan fan, so this novella was the first one I read and maybe because of this, my favourite. I love how she allowed us glimpses into the Christmases of the growing Darcy family. It was such a huge delight!